Sunday, 17 January 2016

Charles Frederick Allison – Devout Methodist and Purveyor of Higher Education

Charles Frederick Allison’s father James sailed to Nova Scotia with his brother John and his father Joseph in 1769.  John’s descendants include myself, but I am proud that Charles Frederick and I share a common ancestor in Joseph Allison.  In fact, I was one in a long line of Allison ancestors who attended Mount Allison University in Sackville, New Brunswick, an institution founded originally as a boys academy by Charles Frederick Allison.  It’s also an institution that has the honour of awarding the first baccalaureate to a woman in the British Empire (Grace Annie Lockart).  While this was well after Charles’s death, in 1875, it was his commitment to higher education and philanthropy to young men and women regardless of religious upbringing that made this achievement possible.

Charles Frederick Allison was born January 25, 1795 to a father who had made the trip across the ocean 26 years previous at the age of four.  James Allison, along with his brother John and father Joseph, worked hard as farmers, merchants and influential members of the colonial Nova Scotia society.  Charles Frederick, like much of the rest of the Allison clan, engaged in the merchant trade, beginning as a clerk in Parrsboro at the Ratchford firm.  In 1891, he left Parrsboro to join the mercantile endeavour of his cousin William Crane (son of Colonel Jonathan Crane and Rebecca Allison, herself the daughter of Joseph) in Sackville, New Brunswick.

Sackville is relatively well situated for trade.  It sits on the Tantramar River, with good access to the Bay of Fundy and the interior of New Brunswick as far as Moncton. Crane and Allison imported goods from England, the United States and Lower Canada in trade for local goods.  The two cousins built the ships locally that transported their exports (mainly agricultural goods, lumber and sandstone) to their branch house in Miramichi or other ports. 

Shipbuilding had been a going concern in the Sackville area long before Charles’ arrival, but the Crane and Allison firm injected new life into the Sackville ship building industry.  The Crane and Allison ships had to travel to New England to export their goods in trade for commodities that were in demand in New Brunswick.  They also travelled as far as Liverpool loaded down with lumber in exchange for British goods that the settlers back in Nova Scotia and Canada were no doubt demanding.  Everything from tea, coffee and rum, to candles, agricultural implements and ship-building materials passed through the ports at Sackville and Miramichi.  At one point, Charles Frederick Allison owned a sloop and two brigs, all built between 1824 and 1828.  The trade business was booming.  To help in their overseas voyages, Charles invested in a three-masted Barque named Medora in 1853.

As businessmen, William Crane was the risk-taker and entrepreneur, while Charles was the thrifty and cautious investor.  This juxtaposition made them solid business partners, particularly in the early days of their efforts.  By 1824, Crane became more interested in public life, as justice of the peace, judge, and later elected politician, leaving Charles to run the business. 

Charles himself started going through a personal change in the 1830s.  The Methodists in the area were gaining greater influence.  There was a strong Methodist community in Point de Bute which supported their brethren in Sackville, which was, when Charles first moved there, mostly Calvinist. 

Methodism was brought to the Chignecto area (Amherst, Point de Bute and Sackville) by Yorkshire immigrants in 1772-1775.  Without going into too much detail about the differences between these two theological doctrines (primarily because I would likely be unable to do it justice), basically Methodists think that everyone can find salvation (Christ died for everyone), while Calvinists think some people are damned (not so friendly really).  

John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist church, died just before Charles was born, and created a doctrine which encouraged outdoor preaching, evangelism, and social reforms (including abolition – I wonder what he would have thought of the Allison’s dishonourable slave-ownership?). Reverend William Smithson was an influential religious figure in the New Brunswick.  Born in Yorkshire, England, and likely learning at the feet of Wesley, he became a Methodist minister in Fredericton and later in the Chignecto area. Consistent with the Methodist faith, preachers and evangelists continued their work through revivals throughout the Chignecto area. The First Methodist chapel in the Sackville area was dedicated in 1790.  

The Methodists continued to convert the local population through their combination of preaching and evangelism.  In 1836, Charles attended one of these revivals led by Rev. John Bass Strong, and finally departed from his Anglican beliefs to join the Methodist denomination.  Charles Frederick Allison married Milcah Trueman, daughter of Methodist John Trueman, in the summer of 1840, cementing his relationship with the Methodist church and the Yorkshire-rooted inhabitants of Westmoreland. 

Charles, with his new-found religious passion, became less interested in the business and more interested in philanthropy and education.  He was a relatively wealthy man by the time of his religious conversion, which suited the Methodists.  By 1840, at the time of his marriage, he devoted himself almost entirely to his social efforts, leaving the business to Joseph Francis Allison, Charles’s brother. Still, Crane and Allison and their business partnership lasted, and thrived, until Crane’s death in 1853.  Charles and Joseph were both named executors, and Joseph bought the business and became sole business owner, while Charles dedicated the remaining five years of his life to the Academy.  In any case, while Sackville had its strategic benefits as a trading port, its deficits meant that the ship-building and trade business was bound to ultimately decline.  The tides in the Tantramar River are significant.  Ships could only sail in and out in high tide, and in low tides rested on the river bottom.  Perhaps the cautious Charles was satisfied with the money he had made, saw the writing on the wall, and decided to spend as much time as possible in the social and philanthropical endeavours which had become so important to him since his conversion to Methodism.

Charles’s commitment to education grew.  He was convinced of the need for higher education.  He would be the first of the Allison family to pursue this conviction, his family to this point having learned farming and the merchant trade from family members without much in the way of formal schooling.  In 1841 he was a school trustee for the Westmoreland Grammar School, the second grammar school established in the Province in the 1820s.   His commitment to higher education, however, required a fair degree of dedication.  Without his business interests, he was free to follow his passionate cause.

First he had to convince his church colleagues to support the idea (no doubt financially as well as providing the moral backbone for the proposed institution).  Charles started his promotion of an institute of higher learning in Sackville by seeking the support of Rev. Wm. Temple, District Chairman at Saint John.  While there were many in Saint John who argued the benefits of locating the school in that city, Charles was adamant that Sackville offered an ideally central location for the education of all Maritime young people.  His academy was to focus on the ideals of higher education, teaching the classics of English, Latin, Greek, mathematics, natural philosophy, astronomy, and chemistry. He also argued that, despite his ardent Methodist attachment, the school would be open to all denominations. His letter dated January 4, 1839, included the following, indicating clearly that the pursuit of education was very much consistent with Charles’s religious convictions:
My mind has of late been much impressed with the great importance of that admonition of the wise man, "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it." The establishment of schools in which pure religion is not only taught but constantly brought before the youthful mind and represented to it as the basis and groundwork of all the happiness man is capable of enjoying here on earth, and eminently calculated to form the most perfect character--is I think, one of the most effective means in the order of Divine Providence to bring about the happy result spoken of by the wise man. 

By January 17, 1840, Charles was able to convene a gathering of influential people to bring his idea to fruition.  It helped of course that Charles not only paid for the land, he also paid £4,000 for construction (more than $500,000 today), and made an annual commitment of £100.  As a result of Charles’s generous contributions in funding and land, the construction of the school moved quickly and by July 9 the first stone was laid.  Three years later, on June 29, the Mount Allison Wesleyan Academy was opened.  While it started as a Boys Academy, within ten years and at Charles’ urging, the Girls Academy was opened.
Mount Allison circa 1911, with Joseph Francis Allison's
house in the background.  Printed with permission of Mount
Allison University archives

Charles was described through a first hand account by Dr. William Cochrane Milner, historian:
His facial appearance was well marked.  His forehead was high and broad, below which was a long nose, slightly aquiline.  His mouth was somewhat compressed and his lips were thin, giving his face a self-contained, reserved, and somewhat severe look.  The cast of his countenance was sad, with no suggestion of humor or any invitation to intimacy.  In his latter days, he had but few associates, and amongst the students, he appeared to refrain from making personal friends.

Charles and his wife Milcah had only one daughter, Mary, who died in her early 20s.  Their lives were no doubt dedicated to social endeavours.  Charles’s grave marker includes a long and laudatory commemoration of his dedication to church and education and reads, in part: 
(He) rejoiced in the spread of the religion of Christ by whatever agency achieved, having lived to see the noble institution founded by his munificence occupying a high position and exercising and wide and salutary influence.

Milcah and Mary lived on in Sackville, Mary pre-deceasing her mother.  Milcah’s sister Margaret, who was unmarried, joined her in Sackville until Milcah’s death in 1884 at the age of 66. 

Charles’s legacy lives on through Mount Allison University. I hope that Charles would see his success and “wide and salutary influence” in the generations of Allison ancestors who attended that institution, including my grand-parents Joseph and Norma, my mother Joanne… and me.  For my part, uncle, thanks for the B.A. and the many opportunities it has afforded me since!

Various census, ship ownership records, newspaper clippings, gravestones

Secondary Sources:


Sackville and Surrounding Area

History of Sackville New Brunswick, Dr. William Cochran Milner, Historian, and Former Dominion Archivist (1846-1939)
History of the Allison or Alison Family, Leonard A. Morrison (1893)
Charles F. Allison monologue to celebrate Mount Allison’s 175th anniversary -


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