Thursday, 25 December 2014

Letters from Santa

us kids circa 1968
When I was growing up - the two best things about Christmas were the stocking my Mom put together (a ruse to keep us occupied in bed a little longer) and the letters from Santa that my father wrote to us kids in response to our notes.  For your pleasure, here is the letter from Santa (Roy Bond) Christmas 1979 (clearly written after Santa had his Christmas treat of wine and cookies).  In 1979 - for reasons I can't remember (but possibly to do with teenage-hood), Trevor and I held with tradition and wrote a short note to Santa... but Greg didn't:

Bond Kidsh - 

Trevor, your old mansh winesh shus great.  Trouble ish all you little blaggers are doin' the shame thing and I'm having a helluva time with the flying vershion of RIDE.  You ever tried (hic!) to fly a shtraight line?

Allishon - you asked about Rudolph - that damn nose of hish!  Three timesh tonight!  Pulled over to the shide of the (hic!) flyway thinking there wash an ambulance.  Gonna unscrew his shtupid nose!  or make him push the shtupid sleigh!

Shorry but I had to take the lasht of your (hic!) bacon greash.  Bloody shlide won't shed...  hic!  Bloody shled won't shlide on this grassh n' rocks n' roadsh.

Wersh that smart assh Greg this year - give up all hish wise-acre cracks.  Couln't keep up (hic) wish smart ol' Santa eh?  Hear you finally got you lishen... lishen... li... can drive.  Bet you couldn't handle a shled with 8 drunken... shloshed reindeer - they found the applesh in your compost sheap ... sleep... Pile!

Well, gotta go find shome Certs.. HO! HO! HIC! HO! MERRY CHRISTMEASH!


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